Application of the hydrodynamic substitution for systems of equations with the same principal part

    Received 06 April 2017; accepted 07 October 2017

    2018, Vol. 14, no. 1, pp.  53-61

    Author(s): Fimin N. N., Chechetkin V. M.

    The properties of quasi-linear differential equations with the same the principal part are considered. Their connection with the reduced system of Euler equations is established, which results from the hydrodynamic substitution in the kinetic Liouville and Vlasov equations. When considering the momentum equation of the Euler system, it turns out that it reduces to a special form such as Liouville – Jacobi equation. This equation can also be investigated using a hydrodynamic substitution, but of conjugate type. The application of this substitution (of the second order) makes it possible to symmetrize the technique of applying hydrodynamic substitution and to extend the class of equations of hydrodynamic type to which systems of (in the general case non-Hamiltonian) first-order autonomous differential equations. Examples are given of the use of the developed formalism for systems of gravitating particles in post-Newtonian approximation and the hydrodynamic systems described by Monge potentials, with the aim of constructing the Liouville – Jacobi equations and applying to them a modified hydrodynamic substitution.
    Keywords: Liouville equation, quasi-linear equations, hydrodynamic substitution, Monge potentials, equations with the same principal part
    Citation: Fimin N. N., Chechetkin V. M., Application of the hydrodynamic substitution for systems of equations with the same principal part, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2018, Vol. 14, no. 1, pp.  53-61

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