About Journal

    The journal was founded in 2005, published directly in English since 2018.

    Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal covering both fundamental fields and areas of applied science. The journal endeavors to stimulate the development of multilateral relations between the theory and applications and to promote the interpenetration of various disciplines and the use of advanced mathematical and computer-based methods in the study of real dynamical systems.

    The journal accepts papers devoted to theoretical, numerical and experimental studies. Papers dealing with the description, modeling and prediction of dynamical effects in mechanics, nature and robotics are highly welcome.

    The journal publishes original studies, review articles, hypotheses and discussions.

    The scope of the journal includes:

    • theory of dynamical systems; problems of integrability, dynamical chaos; exactly integrable nonlinear systems; Lie algebras, Hamiltonian formalism; topological aspects of dynamics;
    • rigid body dynamics, dynamics of tops; remarkable dynamical effects and their theoretical explanation (Euler's disk, tippe top, rattleback, etc.);
    • contact dynamics of bodies; nonholonomic mechanics; nonsmooth dynamics; dynamical systems with friction; impacts, collisions, dynamics of billiards; sports dynamics (bicycle, skateboard, curling, etc.);
    • stability and control of motions;
    • modeling of mobile robots;
    • biomechanics, mechanisms of animal locomotion; applications in robotics, biomimetics;
    • hydrodynamics, vortex dynamics; interaction of rigid bodies with fluid; self-propulsion of bodies in fluid (mechanisms of locomotion of aquatic animals, modeling of underwater vehicles); meteorological applications (dynamics of tornadoes, atmospheric cyclones, see currents); dynamics of rotating fluid masses; liquid and gaseous ellipsoids; applications in celestial mechanics;
    • celestial mechanics, the $N$ body problem, Kepler's problem, relative equilibria, periodic solutions, dynamics in non-Euclidean spaces;
    • nonlinear theory of oscillations;
    • problems of numerical modeling of nonlinear systems;
    • nonlinear engineering.

    The journal does not publish overly abstract studies or philosophical papers.

    The journal is included in the List of leading Russian reviewed scientific journals where the main results of doctor and candidate of sciences degree dissertations should be published. Also, the journal is included in the database Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) on Web of Science platform, and abstracted/indexed in the following international and Russian scientific databases: Scopus, zbMATH, MathSciNet, INSPEC, EBSCO, Math-Net.Ru, and RSCI.

    Language: English (since 2018), Russian (2005-2018)

    Frequency: 4 issues per year

    ISSN 2658-5324 (Print), ISSN 2658-5316 (Online)

    Previous title of the journal is Nelineinaya Dinamika (2005-2018 years, ISSN 1816-448X (Print), ISSN 1817-5155 (Online))

    The founders of the Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics are Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia) and Izhevsk Institute of Computer Science (Izhevsk, Russia). The publisher of the journal is Izhevsk Institute of Computer Science (Izhevsk, Russia).

    Full-text electronic version is available at the journal's website http://nd.ics.org.ru/, at the Russian mathematical portal Math-Net.Ru and platform eLIBRARY.RU.

    Open Access

    26-й процентиль
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    SCImago Journal & Country Rank

    MathNet.Ru Impact Factor for 2021 is 0.598.

    RSCI Impact Factor for 2023 is 0.611.


    • 1, Universitetskaya str., Izhevsk, 426034, Russia
    • editorial@rcd.ru
    • +7 (3412) 500-295, +7 (3412) 916-214