Valery Kozlov

Born 1 January 1950 in Ryazanskaya district, Russia.
1967-1972: Undergraduate: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics. Title of Graduation Thesis: «Nonintegrability of the equations of motion of a heavy rigid body about a fixed point»
1972-1973: Graduate: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics.
1974: Kandidate in physics and mathematics. Thesis title: «Qualitative analysis of motion of a rigid body in integrable cases». M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
1978: Doctor in physics and mathematics. Title of thesis: «On the problems of qualitative analysis in the dynamics of a rigid body». M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Positions held:
1974-1983: Assistant, Dozent, Senior scientist, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics
Since 1983: Professor of the Chair of Theoretical Mechanics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
1980-1987: The Deputy Dean for science and research, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
1989-1998: Vice-rector, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
1997-2001: The Deputy Minister of the Education of the Russian Federation
since 2001: Vice-President of Russian Academy of Science
since 2002: Head of Department of Mathematical Statistics and Random Processes, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
since 2003: Head of Department of Mechanics, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
since 2004: The Deputy Director Steklov Mathematical Institute Russian Academy of Sciences
Professional Societies:
Member of the Commission under the Russian Federation President on awarding State Prizes of the Russian Federation.
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the international scientific journal «Regular and Chaotic Dynamics», Editor-in-Chief of «Izvestiya RAN, Seriya Matematicheskaya» (Izvestiya: Mathematics), Associate Editor of «Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika. Mekhanika», member of editorial boards of «Matematicheskie Zametki» (Mathematical Notes) and «Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics».
Research supervision of 29 Kandidates of sciences and 5 Doctors of sciences (one of them, Dmitry V. Treschev, is now the Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences).
1955: Member of the Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
1995: Full Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
1997: Corresponding Member of the Division of Machine Engineering, Mechanics and Control Processes Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
2000: Full Member (Academician) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2003: Foreign member of the Serbian Learned Society
2011: Foreign member of the Montenegrian Academy of Sciences and Arts
2012: Foreign member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
2016: European Academy of Sciences and Arts
Awards & Honours:
1973: Lenin Komsomol Prize (the major prize for young scientists in USSR)
1986: M.V. Lomonosov 1st Degree Prize (the major prize awarded by M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University)
1988: S. A. Chaplygin prize, Russian Academy of Sciences
1994: State Prize of the Russian Federation
1995: Peter The First Golden Medal of the International Academy of Environmental and Human Society Sciences
1996: The Breast Badge «For Distinguished Services» of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
2000: S.V. Kovalevskaya prize, Russian Academy of Sciences
2007: L. Euler Gold Medal, Russian Academy of Sciences
2009: Order of Service to the Fatherland III class
2009: The Gilli–Agostinelli International Prize of the Turin Academy of Sciences
2010: Russian Federation Government Prize in Education
2010: Prize "Triumph"
2014: Order of Service to the Fatherland II class
2015: S.A. Chaplygin Gold Medal, Russian Academy of Sciences
Kozlov V. V.
It is well known that the maximal value of the central moment of inertia of a closed homogeneous
thread of fixed length is achieved on a curve in the form of a circle. This isoperimetric
property plays a key role in investigating the stability of stationary motions of a flexible thread.
A discrete variant of the isoperimetric inequality, when the mass of the thread is concentrated
in a finite number of material particles, is established. An analog of the isoperimetric inequality
for an inhomogeneous thread is proved.
Kozlov V. V.
This paper addresses the dynamics of systems with servoconstraints where the constraints are realized by controlling the inertial properties of the system. Vakonomic systems are a particular case. Special attention is given to the motion on Lie groups with left-invariant kinetic energy and a left-invariant constraint. The presence of symmetries allows the dynamical equations to be reduced to a closed system of differential equations with quadratic right-hand sides. As the main example, we consider the rotation of a rigid body with a left-invariant servo-constraint, which implies that the projection of the body’s angular velocity on some body-fixed direction is zero.
Kozlov V. V.
The paper discusses the dynamics of systems with Béghin’s servoconstraints where the constraints are realized by means of controlled forces. Classical nonholonomic systems are an important particular case. Special attention is given to the study of motion on Lie groups with left-invariant kinetic energy and left-invariant constraints. The presence of symmetries allows one to reduce the dynamic equations to a closed system of differential equations with quadratic right-hand sides on a Lie algebra. Examples are given which include the rotation of a rigid body with a left-invariant servoconstraint — the projection of the angular velocity onto some direction fixed in the body is equal to zero (a generalization of the nonholonomic Suslov problem) — and the motion of the Chaplygin sleigh with servoconstraints of a certain type. The dynamics of systems with Béghin’s servoconstraints is richer and more varied than the more usual dynamics of nonholonomic systems.
Kozlov V. V.
It is well known that in the Béghin– Appel theory servo-constraints are realized using controlled external forces. In this paper an expansion of the Béghin–Appel theory is given in the case where
servo-constraints are realized using controlled change of the inertial properties of a dynamical system. The analytical mechanics of dynamical systems with servo-constraints of general form is discussed. The key principle of the approach developed is to appropriately determine virtual displacements of systems with constraints.
Kozlov V. V.
This paper is concerned with the problem of first integrals of the equations of geodesics on twodimensional surfaces that are rational in the velocities (or momenta). The existence of nontrivial rational integrals with given values of the degrees of the numerator and the denominator is proved using the Cauchy–Kovalevskaya theorem.
Kozlov V. V.
The problem of integrability conditions for systems of differential equations is discussed. Darboux’s classical results on the integrability of linear non-autonomous systems with an incomplete set of particular solutions are generalized. Special attention is paid to linear Hamiltonian systems. The paper discusses the general problem of integrability of the systems of autonomous differential equations in an $n$-dimensional space which permit the algebra of symmetry fields of dimension $\geqslant n$. Using a method due to Liouville, this problem is reduced to investigating the integrability conditions for Hamiltonian systems with Hamiltonians linear in the momentums in phase space of dimension that is twice as large. In conclusion, the integrability of an autonomous system in three-dimensional space with two independent non-trivial symmetry fields is proved. It should be emphasized that no additional conditions are imposed on these fields.
Kozlov V. V.
This paper addresses a class of problems associated with the conditions for exact integrability of a system of ordinary differential equations expressed in terms of the properties of tensor invariants. The general theorem of integrability of the system of $n$ differential equations is proved, which admits $n − 2$ independent symmetry fields and an invariant volume $n$-form (integral invariant). General results are applied to the study of steady motions of a continuous medium with infinite conductivity.
Kozlov V. V.
We develop a new method for solving Hamilton’s canonical differential equations. The method is based on the search of invariant vortex manifolds of special type. In the case of Lagrangian (potential) manifolds, we arrive at the classical Hamilton–Jacobi method.
Kozlov V. V.
Invariant manifolds of equations governing the dynamics of conservative nonholonomic systems are investigated. These manifolds are assumed to be uniquely projected onto configuration space. The invariance conditions are represented in the form of generalized Lamb’s equations. Conditions are found under which the solutions to these equations admit a hydrodynamical description typical of Hamiltonian systems. As an illustration, nonholonomic systems on Lie groups with a left-invariant metric and left-invariant (right-invariant) constraints are considered.
Kozlov V. V.
The structure of the Lorentz force and the related analogy between electromagnetism and inertia are discussed. The problem of invariant manifolds of the equations of motion for a charge in an electromagnetic field and the conditions for these manifolds to be Lagrangian are considered.
Kozlov V. V.
The Kac circular model is a discrete dynamical system which has the property of recurrence and reversibility. Within the framework of this model M.Kac formulated necessary conditions for irreversibility over «short» time intervals to take place and demonstrated Boltzmann’s most important exploration methods and ideas, outlining their advantages and limitations. We study the circular model within the realm of the theory of Gibbs ensembles and offer a new approach to a rigorous proof of the «zeroth» law of thermodynamics basing on the analysis of weak convergence of probability distributions.
Kozlov V. V.
A generalization of Amantons’ law of dry friction for constrained Lagrangian systems is formulated. Under a change of generalized coordinates the components of the dry-friction force transform according to the covariant rule and the force itself satisfies the Painlevé condition. In particular, the pressure of the system on a constraint is independent of the anisotropic-friction tensor. Such an approach provides an insight into the Painlevé dry-friction paradoxes. As an example, the general formulas for the sliding friction force and torque and the rotation friction torque on a body contacting with a surface are obtained.
Kozlov V. V.
We consider a continuum of interacting particles whose evolution is governed by the Vlasov kinetic equation. An infinite sequence of equations of motion for this medium (in the Eulerian description) is derived and its general properties are explored. An important example is a collisionless gas, which exhibits irreversible behavior. Though individual particles interact via a potential, the dynamics of the continuum bears dissipative features. Applicability of the Vlasov equations to the modeling of small-scale turbulence is discussed.
Kozlov V. V.
The Poincaré model for dynamics of a collisionless gas in a rectangular parallelepiped with mirror walls is considered. The question on smoothing of the density and the temperature of this gas and conditions for the monotone growth of the coarse-grained entropy are discussed. All these effects provide a new insight of the classical paradox of mixing of gases.
Kozlov V. V.
The paper generalizes the classical Gauss principle for non-constrained dynamical systems. For large anisotropic external forces of viscous friction our statement transforms into the common Gauss principle for systems with constraints.
Kozlov V. V.
The famous Lagrange identity expresses the second derivative of the moment of inertia of a system of material points through the kinetic energy and homogeneous potential energy. The paper presents various extensions of this brilliant result to the case 1) of constrained mechanical systems, 2) when the potential energy is quasi-homogeneous in coordinates and 3) of continuumof interacting particles governed by the well-known Vlasov kinetic equation.
Borisov A. V., Kozlov V. V., Mamaev I. S.
We consider two problems from the rigid body dynamics and use new methods of stability and asymptotic behavior analysis for their solution. The first problem deals with motion of a rigid body in an unbounded volume of ideal fluid with zero vorticity. The second problem, having similar asymptotic behavior, is concerned with motion of a sleigh on an inclined plane. The equations of motion for the second problem are non-holonomic and exhibit some new features not typical for Hamiltonian systems. A comprehensive survey of references is given and new problems connected with falling motion of heavy bodies in fluid are proposed.
Kozlov V. V.
The paper develops an approach to the proof of the «zeroth» law of thermodynamics. The approach is based on the analysis of weak limits of solutions to the Liouville equation as time grows infinitely. A class of linear oscillating systems is indicated for which the average energy becomes eventually uniformly distributed among the degrees of freedom for any initial probability density functions. An example of such systems are sympathetic pendulums. Conditions are found for nonlinear Hamiltonian systems with finite number of degrees of freedom to converge in a weak sense to the state where the average energies of the interacting subsystems are the same. Some issues related to statistical models of the thermostat are discussed.
Kozlov V. V.
The issues discussed in this paper relate to the description of developed two-dimensional turbulence, when the mean values of characteristics of steady flow stabilize. More exactly, the problem of a weak limit of vortex distribution in two-dimensional flow of an ideal fluid at time tending to infinity is considered. Relations between the vorticity equation and the well-known Vlasov equation are discussed.