Vladimir Aslanov

Full Professor, Head of Theoretical Mechanics Department.
Diploma with Honors of Aircraft Engineer, Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, Kuibyshev/ USSR, 1966-1972. Engineer, Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, Kuibyshev/ USSR, 1972-1978. Postgraduate student, Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, Kuibyshev/ USSR, 1974-1977. Instructor, Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, Kuibyshev/ USSR, 1978-1982. Associate Professor, Kuibyshev Aviation Institute, Kuibyshev/ USSR, 1982-1989. Full Professor, Head of Theoretical Mechanics Department, Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia, 1989 - present.Professor V. S. Aslanov in 2010-2014 occupies the first position in the world rankings in the distinctive competency "Spacecraft; Satellites; Control" of Samara University (the data are taken from the integrated modular platform resource Elsevier SciVal). Rewiever for Jounans: Acta Astronautica, Advances in Space Research, Aerospace Science and Technology, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Acta Mechanica, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, Nonlinear Dynamics, The Aeronautical Journal. Expert, Scientific Research Institute - Federal Research Centre for Projects Evaluation and Consulting Services, 2014-present. Member of the Editorial Board of a multidisciplinary international peer reviewed journal "Annual Review of Chaos Theory, Bifurcations and Dynamical Systems", 2011-present. Expert, the Federal Agency of Education at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, 2009-present. Member of the Advisory Committee on Mathematics, Mechanics and computer science of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Moscow/Russia, 2012-present. Member, Mathematics and Mechanics Education Methodology Council of Russian Universities, Moscow/Russia, 2004-present. Member, Scientific Advisory Board for Awarding Doctoral Degrees in Ballistics, Samara/Russia, 1996-present. Member, Scientific Advisory Board for Awarding Doctoral Degrees in Mechanics, Samara/Russia, 1996-present.