Alexandr Maloletov

Doctor of Physics and Mathematics. Professor
Born: August 6, 1977
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics in the specialty 01.02.01 “Theoretical Mechanics”. Received his Sc.D degree at the Ishlinskii Institute of Mechanics Problems of RAS in 2015.
Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering, specialty 01.02.06 “Dynamics and durability of machines, devices and equipment”. Received his PhD degree at the Kursk State Technical University in 2003.
Master of Science (2000) and Bachelor (1998) in Engineering and Technologies in the specialization field “Above-ground transportation systems”, Volgograd State Technical University.
Leading Researcher, Volgograd State Technical University (2014 – 2017).
Senior Researcher, Volgograd State Technical University (2012 – 2014).
Applicant for Doctor’s Degree, Volgograd State Technical University (2009 – 2012).
Associate Professor, Volgograd State Technical University (2008 – 2010).
Senior Teacher, Volgograd State Technical University (2003 – 2008).
Assistant lecturer, Volgograd State Technical University (2001 – 2002).
Professor and research supervisor of the Center of Technologies of the Components of Robotics and Mechatronics, NTI (National Technological Initiative), Innopolis University (since 2018).
Professor, Volgograd State Technical University (since 2016).
A.V. Maloletov has published more than 100 scientific papers on robotics, including 3 monographs (according to the version of the Russian Science Citation index (RSCI), his Hirsch index is 19. He is the author of 11 patents and 28 software programs registered in the state register.
An award of the Volgograd Region in the sphere of science and engineering for achievements in scientific and engineering research and in development work which led to the industrial application of new technologies, machinery, devices, equipment, materials and substances “Research into and Development of Modular Legged Locomotion Machines for Industrial and Agricultural Assemblies”, 2015
Medals of the All-Russian Exhibition Complex at the 1st and 2nd specialized exhibitions “Robotics” (Moscow, 2004) for the exhibit Legged Robot “Octopod-М”.
Member of the dissertation board D 212.028.11 in the specialty 05.02.05 — Robots, mechatronics and robotic systems
Member of the editorial board of the journal “Izvestiya Volgogradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta”, series “Robots, mechatronics and robotic systems”.