Igor Furtat

    Igor Furtat
    V.O., Bolshoj pr. 61, 199178 St. Petersburg, Russia
    Institute for Problems in Mechanical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    Bibliometric IDs:


    Born: July 13, 1983

    2000-2004: Bachelor of Technique and Technology with First Class Honors, Automation and Control, Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia
    2005: Engineer with First Class Honors, Automation of technological processes and productions, Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia
    2005-2006: Postgraduate student
    2006: Candidate of technical sciences, PhD thesis is "Algorithms of adaptive control of systems with delay", Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia
    2012: Doctor of technical sciences. Doctoral thesis is "Adaptive and Robust Control Systems Under Disturbances and Delays", Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia
    2018: Professor
    2020-2021: Graduate of Moscow School of Management “SKOLKOVO” under the program "Leaders of Scientific and Technological Breakthrough"

    Teaching and scientific experience:
    2005-2012: Assistant professor at the Department of Mathematics in Engineering Education, Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan, Russia
    2012 - 2021: Leading researcher at the Laboratory of Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia
    2021 - present day: Chief Researcher and Head of Laboratory of Adaptive and Intelligent Control of Networked and Distributed Systems, Institute of Problems of Mechanical Engineering of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPME RAS), St. Petersburg, Russia
    2013-2015: Leading researcher at the Department of Applied Cybernetics, Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
    2013 - present day: Professor, ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
    2014 - present day: Six PhD students are defended, and two PhD students are prepared by I. Furtat. Member of dissertation councils in IPME RAS and ITMO University
    2007 - present day: Head of 8 grants and co-head over 20 grants. I. Furtat is winner of two Russian Federation President Grants for young Doctor of Sciences

    Reasearch interests:
    IEEE-designated fields: Engineering, Computer sciences and information technology, Mathematics, Technical communications, education, management, law and policy
    Scientific interests: Adaptive and robust control, Optimal control, Control of nonlinear systems, Control of systems with time-delay, Control of dynamical networks and multi-agent systems, Control in chemical industry, Control of multi-machine power systems

    Honors and awards:
    2002: 3rd place at the Russian scientific conference of students and postgraduate students "Technical Cybernetics, Radio Electronics and Control Systems", Taganrog, Russia
    2003: The scholarship of the Astrakhan mayor for achievements in science
    2004: 4rt place at the 10th International Olympiad on Automatic Control, St. Petersburg, Russia
    2010: 1st place at the 12th International Conference of Young Scientists "Navigation and Control", St. Petersburg, Russia
    2011: Absolute winner at the 14th International Olympiad on Automatic Control, St. Petersburg, Russia
    2014: Diploma of the Russian competition "The Best Young Scientist of 2013", Tambov, Russia<\br> 2013 - present: Member of the international organization "Academy of Navigation and Control", Russia
    2014 - present: Member of the IFAC Technical Committee
    2015 - present: Member of the editorial board of the journal "Control of large systems"
    2015: Winner of the prize of the St. Petersburg Government in the field of scientific and pedagogical activity
    2017 - present: Associate editor of two leading international conferences on control theory: American Control Conference and IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
    2017: The prize of "Best paper award" is given at the 9th IEEE International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), November 6-8, Munich, Germany,
    The medal of Russian Academy of Sciences for young scientists in the field of problems of mechanical engineering, mechanics, and control processes for the paper series "Development of a unified theory of dynamical disturbance compensation in complex engineering systems"
    2018: IEEE Senior Member
    2021: Chair of the group in the Scientific Council of the OEMMPU RAS on control theory and processes to enhance the interaction of the Scientific Council with leading Russian-speaking foreign scientists
    2022: Member of the Expert Council of the Higher Attestation Commission in Russia for Control, Computer and Information Sciences

    From 2003 I.B. Furtat published over 100 scientific works, including 3 monographs, 5 tutorials, 27 patents, over 40 conference papers (including 5 plenary talks) and over 40 journal papers.

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