Oleg Bulichev
Bulichev O. V., Maloletov A. V.
Surface Shape Identification with Legged Robots Using Tactile Sensing
2024, Vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 747-757
This paper presents an approach to terrain shape detection using an array of tactile sensors
or motor torque and encoders. A sparse point cloud at points where the surface is touched by the
robot’s feet is converted into a polygonal mesh and a dense 3D point cloud using α-shapes derived
from a 2D Delaunay triangulation. Cloud-to-Cloud (C2C) and Cloud-to-Mesh (C2M) metrics are
used to validate the solution. In the study, a mathematical model of the robot-surface system is
developed and numerical experiments are performed on the basis of this model. A modification
of Delaunay triangulation is proposed to account for impassable or unexplored areas of the
surface. The results of mathematical modeling are confirmed in hardware experiments.