Ruslan Damindarov

    ul. Universitetskaya 1, Innopolis, 420500 Russia
    Innopolis University


    Damindarov R. R., Gaponov I., Maloletov A. V.
    This paper discusses how to develop and implement a bimanual teleoperation system using an exoskeleton suit and two collaborative robots. In the mathematical model, two methods of mapping have been implemented: Joint space mapping via direct control and Cartesian space mapping using Saturation in the Null Space. Both methods are verified in simulation using the developed mathematical model and on hardware using KUKA IIWA robots. A pick-and-place experiment is designed, and the corresponding end-effector positions of the master and the slave devices are obtained. Force feedback is introduced using two methods to improve accuracy and to show the applicability not only for collaborative robots but also on industrial manipulators.
    Keywords: teleoperation, cobots, null space, control, mathematical modeling, simulation
    Citation: Damindarov R. R., Gaponov I., Maloletov A. V.,  Design of Teleoperation System for Control over Industrial Manipulators with Upper-Limb Exoskeleton, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2024, Vol. 20, no. 5, pp.  789-811

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