Mikhail Sokolovskiy

Born: June 16, 1950, Djezkazganskiy Region, Kazakhstan
1973: M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Mechanics and Mathematics (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
1983: Candidate of Science in physics and mathematics (Ph.D.), thesis title: “Bottom relief interaction on the zonal oceanic flows”, Pacific Oceanological Institute of Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok
2009: Doctor of Science in physics and mathematics, thesis title: “Dynamics of vortex structures in two-layer model of ocean”, P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Positions held:
1973-1994: Junior Scientist, Scientist, Senior Scientist of Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far East Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok
1994-present: Senior Scientist, Leading Scientist, Principal Scientist of Water Problems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Since 2015: Leading Scientist of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (off-hour job)
Member of EUROMECH from 2013
Member of American Meteorological Society from 2016
Member of editorial board of scientific journals:
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics (2004-2011)
Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics (2005-2011)
Guest editor of Mathematics: Special Issue "Vortex Dynamics: Theory and Application to Geophysical Flows" (2019-2020)
2010: Letter of Commendation of Russian Academy of Sciences
2011: The Prize of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics for the paper М.A. Sokolovskiy and X. Carton. Baroclinic multipole formation from heton interaction. Fluid Dynamics Research, 2010, v. 42, 045501
International Grants:
INTAS, No 94-3614 (1994-1996)
INTAS-AIRBUS, No 04-80-7297 (2004-2006)
RFBR/CNRS, No 07-05-92210 (2005-2007)
RFBR/CRDF, No 09-01-92504/RUM1-2943-R0-09 (2009-2010)
RFBR/PICS, No 11-05-91052 (2011-2013)
RFBR/CNRS, No 16-55-150001 (2016-2018)
Ministry of Education and Science of the RF, No 14.W03.31.0006 (2017-2021)
RFBR/LRS, No 20-55-10001 (2019-2021)
Sokolovskiy M. A., Verron J.
The paper explores the properties of motion of $A+1$ point vortices with
$A$ planes of symmetry immersed into a two-layer fluid. The central vortex
is supposed to be in the upper layer while the other $A$ vortices have
equal intensity and form a regular $A$-gon configuration in the lower
layer. For $A\geqslant2$, we study possible stationary motions. For $A=2$,
using methods of qualitative analysis, we classify the motions of this
vortical structure and obtain preliminary numerical results concerned with
stability of symmetrical configurations.