Sergei Ryzhkov

Born: April 18, 1974 in Kanash, Chuvash Republic, Russia
1997: received the M.S. degree (Diploma with Honors) in engineering physics (electrorocket engines and power plants) from Bauman Moscow State Technical University (BMSTU);
2001: the Ph.D. degree in thermal physics and theoretical heat engineering from Bauman Moscow State Technical University;
2015: earned the Doctor of Physico-Mathematical Sciences (Dr. Phys.-Math. Sci.) degree in mathematical modeling and plasma physics from Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Positions held:
2001-2002: Researcher with the Power Engineering Institute,
2002-2016: Associate Professor in the Thermal Physics Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Since 2016, he is a Professor on the Power Engineering Faculty, Bauman Moscow State Technical University. He was Visiting Scientist at Fusion Technology Institute, Madison, USA (1998-1999), Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy (2011), and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany (2013, 2014).
Recipient of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and RAO UES of Russia “New Generation” Award in 2005, the Medal of RAS for scientific work in the area of physics and technical problems of energetics in 2008, the Russian President Grant for supporting of young russian scientists in 2006, 2008, the CRDF Junior Scientist Energy Award in the specific area Alternative Energy Development and Applications in 2008, the Best teacher of BMSTU for “quality of work of young teachers”, “supervisor” and “implementation of information technologies in the educational process” in 2009, 2011, 2014, and the Certificate of Merit of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in 2015. He holds patent, and 8 Computer Code Certificates.
Member of dissertation councils at BMSTU and Editorial Board of the Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics. Member of Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Educator Associate. Scientific Secretary of Scientific Council “Power Engineering”.
Kuzenov V. V., Ryzhkov S. V.
A statement of the problem is presented and numerical modeling of plasma-gas-dynamic
processes in the capillary discharge plume is performed. In the developed model, plasma dynamic
processes in a capillary discharge are determined by the intensity, duration of plasma formation
processes in the capillary discharge channel, and thermodynamic parameters in the surrounding
gaseous medium. The spatial distribution of temperature, density and pressure, radial and
longitudinal velocities of pulsed jets of several capillary discharge channels is presented.
Kuzenov V. V., Ryzhkov S. V., Starostin A. V.
This work is devoted to the theoretical calculation of the processes of compression and energy
release in the target by a combined action of a system of pulsed jets and intense laser radiation
using a magnetic inertial plasma confinement method. A mathematical model, a numerical
method, and a computational algorithm are developed to describe plasma-physical processes
occurring in various types of high-temperature installations with high density. The results of
the calculation of the hybrid effect of intensive energy flows on a cylindrical target are presented.
The main gas-dynamic and radiative parameters of the compressed target plasma are found.