Hill’s curves and libration points in the low-thrust restricted circular threebody problem
Received 01 November 2017; accepted 04 November 2017
2017, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 543–556
Author(s): Krasil'nikov P. S.
The plane circular restricted three-body problem is considered, where the massless body is a constant low-thrust spacecraft. It is assumed that the vector of low-thrust is directed along the $Ox$ axis connecting the main bodies. The problem of plotting a family of one-parameter Hill’s curves is investigated. The existence conditions of artificial triangular-type and collineartype libration points are obtained. The values of the effective force function at libration points are investigated also. Six different topological types of the family of one-parameter Hill’s curves are described. It is shown that these types differ in the number of critical values of the constant Jacobi integral and in the ordering of these values. For the Earth – Moon system, a family of one-parameter Hill’s curves is plotted for each of the six types.
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