Increase in the Accuracy of the Parameters Identification for a Vibrating Ring Microgyroscope Operating in the Forced Oscillation Mode with Nonlinearity Taken into Account

    Received 08 May 2018

    2018, Vol. 14, no. 3, pp.  377-386

    Author(s): Maslov D. A., Merkuryev I. V.

    The dynamics of a vibrating ring microgyroscope operating in the forced oscillation mode is investigated. The elastic and viscous anisotropy of the resonator and the nonlinearity of oscillations are taken into consideration. Additional nonlinear terms are suggested for the mathematical model of resonator dynamics. In addition to cubic nonlinearity, nonlinearity of the fifth degree is considered. By using the Krylov – Bogolyubov averaging method, equations containing parameters characterizing damping, elastic and viscous anisotropy, as well as coefficients of oscillation nonlinearity are deduced. The parameter identification problem is reduced to solving an overdetermined system of algebraic equations that are linear in the parameters to be identified. The proposed identification method allows testing at large oscillation amplitudes corresponding to a sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio. It is shown that taking nonlinearities into account significantly increases the accuracy of parameter identification in the case of large oscillation amplitudes.
    Keywords: parameter identification, vibrating ring microgyroscope, nonlinear oscillations
    Citation: Maslov D. A., Merkuryev I. V., Increase in the Accuracy of the Parameters Identification for a Vibrating Ring Microgyroscope Operating in the Forced Oscillation Mode with Nonlinearity Taken into Account, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2018, Vol. 14, no. 3, pp.  377-386

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