Adabrah Anani Komla


    Адабрах А. К., Драгович В., Радновиć М.
    We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for periodic trajectories of billiards within an ellipse in the Minkowski plane in terms of an underlying elliptic curve. Equivalent conditions are derived in terms of polynomial-functional equations as well. The corresponding polynomials are related to the classical extremal polynomials. Similarities and differences with respect to the previously studied Euclidean case are indicated.
    Ключевые слова: Minkowski plane, elliptical billiards, elliptic curve, Akhiezer polynomials
    Цитирование: Адабрах А. К., Драгович В., Радновиć М.,  Elliptical Billiards in the Minkowski Plane and Extremal Polynomials, Нелинейная динамика, 2019, Vol. 15, no. 4, с.  397-407

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