On the use of the $K$-means algorithm for determination of mass distributions in dumbbell-like celestial bodies
Received 14 November 2017; accepted 20 December 2017
2018, Vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 45-52
Author(s): Burov A. A., Guerman A., Raspopova E., Nikonov V. I.
It is well known that several small celestial objects are of irregular shape. In particular, there exist asteroids of the so-called “dog-bone” shape. It turns out that approximation of these bodies by dumb-bells, as proposed by V.V. Beletsky, provides an effective tool for analytical investigation of dynamics in vicinities of such bodies. There remains the question of how to divide reasonably a “dogbone” body into two parts using available measurement data.
In this paper we introduce an approach based on the so-called $K$-mean algorithm proposed by the prominent Polish mathematician H. Steinhaus.
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