Vyacheslav Shestakov

    Vyacheslav Shestakov
    ul. Studencheskaya 42, Izhevsk, 426069, Russia
    M.T.Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


    Mamaev I. S., Kilin A. A., Karavaev Y. L., Shestakov V. A.
    In this paper we present a study of the dynamics of a mobile robot with omnidirectional wheels taking into account the reaction forces acting from the plane. The dynamical equations are obtained in the form of Newton – Euler equations. In the course of the study, we formulate structural restrictions on the position and orientation of the omnidirectional wheels and their rollers taking into account the possibility of implementing the omnidirectional motion. We obtain the dependence of reaction forces acting on the wheel from the supporting surface on the parameters defining the trajectory of motion: linear and angular velocities and accelerations, and the curvature of the trajectory of motion. A striking feature of the system considered is that the results obtained can be formulated in terms of elementary geometry.
    Keywords: omnidirectional mobile robot, reaction force, simulation, nonholonomic model
    Citation: Mamaev I. S., Kilin A. A., Karavaev Y. L., Shestakov V. A.,  Criteria of Motion Without Slipping for an Omnidirectional Mobile Robot, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2021, Vol. 17, no. 4, pp.  527-546
    Karavaev Y. L., Shestakov V. A., Yefremov K. S.
    This paper presents experimental investigations of the control algorithm of a highly maneuverable mobile manipulation robot. The kinematics of a mobile manipulation robot, the algorithm of trajectory planning of the mobile robot to the point of object gripping are considered. By realization of the algorithm, the following tasks are solved: solution of the inverse positional task for the mobile manipulation robot; motion planning of the mobile manipulator taking into account the minimization of energy and time consumption per movement. The result of the algorithm is a movement to the point of gripping of the manipulation object; grasping and loading of the object. Experimental investigations of the developed algorithms are given.
    Keywords: mobile manipulation robot, motion planning, trajectory discretization, Kinect
    Citation: Karavaev Y. L., Shestakov V. A., Yefremov K. S.,  Experimental Investigations of the Control Algorithm of a Mobile Manipulation Robot, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2019, Vol. 15, no. 4, pp.  487-495

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