Anton Klekovkin

    Anton Klekovkin
    Studencheskaya st. 42, Izhevsk, 426069, Russia
    M.T. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University


    Klekovkin A. V., Karavaev Y. L., Nazarov A. V.
    This paper is concerned with the experimental development of the stabilizing regulator for a spherical pendulum-type robot moving on an oscillating base. Using a mathematical model of the motion of the spherical robot with an internal pendulum mechanism, a regulator stabilizing the lower position of the pendulum is developed. The developed regulator has been tested in practice by means of a real prototype of the spherical robot. The results of real experiments are presented to assess the stabilization of the lower position of the pendulum of the spherical robot during its motion along a straight line on a plane executing longitudinal oscillations, and during the stabilization of the lower position of the pendulum, when the spherical shell remains fixed relative to the plane.
    Keywords: spherical robot, stabilization, rolling motion, vibrations
    Citation: Klekovkin A. V., Karavaev Y. L., Nazarov A. V.,  Stabilization of a Spherical Robot with an Internal Pendulum During Motion on an Oscillating Base, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2024, Vol. 20, no. 5, pp.  845-858
    Klekovkin A. V., Karavaev Y. L., Mamaev I. S.
    This paper presents the design of an aquatic robot actuated by one internal rotor. The robot body has a cylindrical form with a base in the form of a symmetric airfoil with a sharp edge. For this object, equations of motion are presented in the form of Kirchhoff equations for rigid body motion in an ideal fluid, which are supplemented with viscous resistance terms. A prototype of the aquatic robot with an internal rotor is developed. Using this prototype, experimental investigations of motion in a fluid are carried out.
    Keywords: mobile robot, aquatic robot, motion simulation
    Citation: Klekovkin A. V., Karavaev Y. L., Mamaev I. S.,  The Control of an Aquatic Robot by a Periodic Rotation of the Internal Flywheel, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2023, Vol. 19, no. 2, pp.  265-279
    Karavaev Y. L., Klekovkin A. V., Kilin A. A.
    In this paper the model of rolling of spherical bodies on a plane without slipping is presented taking into account viscous rolling friction. Results of experiments aimed at investigating the influence of friction on the dynamics of rolling motion are presented. The proposed dynamical friction model for spherical bodies is verified and the limits of its applicability are estimated. A method for determining friction coefficients from experimental data is formulated.
    Keywords: rolling friction, dynamical model, spherical body, nonholonomic model, experimental investigation
    Citation: Karavaev Y. L., Klekovkin A. V., Kilin A. A.,  The dynamical model of the rolling friction of spherical bodies on a plane without slipping, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2017, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp.  599–609
    Kilin A. A., Karavaev Y. L., Klekovkin A. V.
    In this article a kinematic model of the spherical robot is considered, which is set in motion by the internal platform with omni-wheels. It has been introduced a description of construction, algorithm of trajectory planning according to developed kinematic model, it has been realized experimental research for typical trajectories: moving along a straight line and moving along a circle.
    Keywords: spherorobot, kinematic model, non-holonomic constraint, omni-wheel
    Citation: Kilin A. A., Karavaev Y. L., Klekovkin A. V.,  Kinematic control of a high manoeuvrable mobile spherical robot with internal omni-wheeled platform, Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn., 2014, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp.  113-126

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